I am a believer in INTENTION, as I Intend to Initiate… well, re-Initalize & re-Invigorate my blog. I have Ignored and neglected it for a very long time. Years. Funny that I got stuck on the letter “I”.  Now I have reset my Intention to write a short essay with every letter of the alphabet as my inspiration.

Also, BIG INTENTION, always:

20190419_231231Perhaps my urge to return to writing my blog entries at this time has to do with the energy of a new year. As we approach and enter the year 2020 many people will be tussling with the concept of resolutions. Not me. I prefer to set intentions. I also like the practice of adopting a word as a theme for the coming year.

Intention may not be “the” word for 2020.

However, whatever word I choose, I will intend to use it as a guidepost, as a directional marker throughout the year. A couple of words from past years: SAVOR.  PLAY.  ENRICH. EXPLORE.  Now I set my intention for my 2020 word to show up. No effort on my part, in fact, in many instances effort destroys and hinders rather than helps. I have discovered that if / when I allow myself to receive, to go with the flow, to accept, that life is easier and less complicated.

PERFECT IS THE ENEMY OF GOOD.  My intention for including that sentence here is due to my now being hypercritical of what I have written today. “It’s not enough!!”  “It is puny and dull.”  Well, so what. I sat down in front of the computer, I opened a file and I wrote. So be it.

I’m excited about this restart, about the new year, and about a couple of new projects that I am in the planning stages of.

Let the magic continue!


About magicalpam

I love my life! I believe that happiness is contagious. I am incredibly lucky and blessed. I know that I am meant to teach and to learn and dive in, venture forth, live large and laugh often. I am a world traveler, writer, reader, mixed-media artist, able to break out in song for no apparent reason. Lover of color, words, books, movies, exploring, LIFE!
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