JOY!!! With a Side of Hope and Optimism!!


OK, I’ve been here (happy, excited, relieved, hopeful) before, but not so much lately.  Today I’m not writing about all kinds of J words. Today is much more personal. 

BACKGROUND:  I had a nasty slip and fall in 1996. I knocked my right patella (knee cap) out of place and my twisted right leg looked like something you would see on a damaged puppet or a torn and worn doll.  The disc at lumbar vertebraes L4-L5 was herniated. This incident turned out to be a Worker’s Comp case. This happened in the lobby at work. Fortunately I had eleven witnesses who saw me slip on water that had been left by the (green) plant & foliage maintenance team who had rushed through their work that morning. As a result of the damage done, I went into Physical Therapy. For two years. Not all of the PT was good. One day my boss told me that I looked worse when I returned from my appointment than when I went to, again, see the therapist.  So I found a better place and worked with the team there. I am stubborn and refused all suggestions to have surgery. I learned how to tape my patella back in place, how to move carefully so that I didn’t get the horrible lower back pinch, and how to effectively use ice packs and then heat. Ice: reduce the inflammation. Heat: increase blood flow to the affected area. Repeat, repeat, repeat…

shallow focus photography of hourglass

Flash forward to 2008. Arthritis in my neck had limited my ability to move my neck from side to side. More than just a stiff neck, diagnosis was Cervical Facet Disease and Occipital Neuralgia. Thank you, Dr. Alexander Hershel in Santa Monica, who knew what the problem was within five minutes of our meeting. Halleluiah!!  

After having radio ablation (burning/severing) of nerves in my neck (while awake, by the way, but also while lying very, very still) I had years of relief and went about my life, singing, dancing, teaching, working, traveling… you know, the Good Life. 

Arthritis can be a tough nut to crack. As the pain increased and problems with my gait, stability and balance were noticeably affected, I again went in search of a neurologist who could help me. I was back to sometimes using a cane and the ice and heat regimen was back in play.  MEDICAL COMMUNITY: What is UP with all of this, “Here, have some pills, modify your life. Come back to see me in three months” ???  No, not good enough. The search continued. Three neurologists, two orthopedists and finally, a Neurosurgeon who looked at an xray of my neck and nearly jumped back, like perhaps I was contagious?  Hey, Doc, you can’t catch spinal compression.  However, he could jump, twist and shout for all I care, he did the spinal fusion that released the compression. He also told me to do NO physical therapy or activity for three months. He wanted me to eat three dozen oysters a week, go to Cancun twice that winter, and lie on the ground absorbing sunlight, in my backyard, preferable naked.  I did not follow all of his directions. 

Doctor Sunshine did tell me that he couldn’t make me better (regarding my gait, instability and wonky balance) but he also wouldn’t make me worse.

He lied.

My follow-up appointment was a disappointment. He observed my “condition” and announced, “You need to see a neurologist!”  Oh, joy – – not.  But I did. I just love it when I mystify a new-to-me doctor. Wait, no I don’t.  This new guy, 1. Looked at my brain MRI and told me that I have “the brain of a 50-year old, and 2. He had no idea of what was causing me to look like an advanced Parkinson’s disease patient.  Again, I heard the “come back to see me in three months” to which I replied, “No.”  

I became increasingly fatigued just trying to get through my days.  Walking was AOK in my book, I could still travel to NYC and Paris and walk for miles and miles. It was the standing in line or just standing still that was a problem. I shook and trembled and people around me would get very quiet. I started ordering online for either store pickup or home delivery. I managed airports by requesting wheelchair service. 


I kew that I had not exhausted all of my resources. I called Amanda, the Shaman I had worked with in California. We did a healing session. I loved the metaphysical process but still trembled.  I had acupuncture. I meditated. I had Reiki. I engaged with my Guides and Angels. I prayed, I hoped, I wished.  I had dry needling therapy (ouch!).  I did some gentle Yoga moves. 

I continued to shake and tremble and feel weak and like I had suddenly aged 20 years. Bummer.

I ate chocolate.  Why not?

close up photo of chocolate cupcake

Then, last week I thought, “How about seeing a chiropractor.”  I read some online recommendations and had someone in mind, then a serendipitous call from a friend happened. She is a gifted massage therapist who has always lived in this area and knows the good guys. She gave me a name and I called Dr. Petrosky’s office. 

Dr. Mike worked on me. I had nerve stimulation via those cute little zzitch zzitch patches.  I had more xrays. I got worked on some more.  Dr. Mike wrapped my feet with kinetic tape. My feet that have both been through surgery twice. Seems my poor, misaligned feet are quite a bit of the problem. All-in-all, it all felt right and productive and hope-inspiring.

I feel better.  

I am optimistic.

This morning I got on my recumbent bike and warmed up the synovial fluid in my joints. 

I went outside and raked some leaves without feeling like I was going to fall over.  

I will see Dr. Mike again on Wednesday. 

I feel joyful.  

I am looking forward with a renewed love of my life.


JUST after my visit with Dr. Mike. JOYOUS!!!

Part of my brain or perhaps previous programming to not be all Pollyanna like is telling me, “Hold on there, Cupcake, don’t get your hopes up!”  But I say, “Bug off, I PREFER to feel good and hopeful and optimistic and JOYFUL!!”

Joy, jubilation, jazzy jumping and jiving, dear ones. I’m going all in on this. Accessing my joy and then marinating in it!!  

P.S.  It doesn’t hurt that my next visit to Paris is booked!!


About magicalpam

I love my life! I believe that happiness is contagious. I am incredibly lucky and blessed. I know that I am meant to teach and to learn and dive in, venture forth, live large and laugh often. I am a world traveler, writer, reader, mixed-media artist, able to break out in song for no apparent reason. Lover of color, words, books, movies, exploring, LIFE!
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